The Weekly Podcast: Skinny kids with funny names who grew up to be politicians

The Weekly Podcast: Skinny kids with funny names who grew up to be politicians

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Publish Date:
7 September, 2023
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"The hope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that America has a place for him, too."

That was Vivek Ramaswamy during the recent Republican presidential candidates debate - on Fox.

Oh wait -- no it wasn't -- that wasn't Vivek Ramaswamy at all.

Let's try that again.

That was Barack Obama, delivering the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention - on C-SPAN.

Many observers said Vivek Ramaswamy sounded a lot like Barack Obama when he said during the Fox debate: "Who the heck is this skinny guy with a funny last name."

Everyone singled out future president Obama's 2004 keynote speech for the comparison ... but there were other times Barack Obama said he was a skinny kid with a funny name ... and so have other candidates.

As you'll hear in the latest episode of C-SPAN's "The Weekly" -- it's a podcast all about skinny kids with funny names who grew up to be politicians.

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