How closely do you watch State of the Union addresses on C-SPAN?
Test your State of the Union knowledge with the C-SPAN podcast "The Weekly" -- We play the most-viewed clips in the C-SPAN Video Library for each President who has given a State of the Union speech since C-SPAN began.
Do you know:
• Which SOTU clip is also the most viewed of any clip in the C-SPAN Video Library?
• Which topic that is still very much in the news today has the most entries on this list?
• Why does Nancy Pelosi appear twice?
• What '80s cult movie made the list?
And what was said in the first state of the Union speech seen on C-SPAN that sounds like it could be said in the speech on C-SPAN next week?
Listen to "The Weekly" to get all the answers -- then watch and listen to C-SPAN Networks for live coverage of President Biden's State of the Union address on February 7.
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Title: The Weekly Podcast: TOP STATE OF UNION ADDRESS CLIPS: From President Reagan through President Biden
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