Washington Today (7-28-23): Congress starts August recess with gov't funding bills up in the air

Washington Today (7-28-23): Congress starts August recess with gov't funding bills up in the air

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Publish Date:
28 July, 2023
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The House and Senate start August recess, leaving Washington with many unanswered questions about how disagreements over government funding and defense policy, between Republicans and Democrats, and in some cases between some Republicans and other Republicans, will be worked out when they come back in September. We will talk about Congressional agenda with Nicholas Wu, congressional reporter with Politico (7).

President Joe Biden travels to the state of Maine for the first time in his presidency, talking about his economic agenda and a new executive order to encourage companies to manufacture new inventions in the United States

DEA Administrator Anne Milgram is questioned by Congress about when marijuana may be removed from the federal Schedule 1 category of most dangerous drugs.

New U.S. military procedures for handling cases of sexual assault, domestic violence, murder and other serious crimes in the ranks that removes them from the chain of command.

The latest on the coup in the African country of Niger.

And a fond farewell to a veteran U.S. House employee Joyce Hamlett, who is retiring. She is the keeper of the mace, the elaborate staff that his the symbol of authority, and leaders of both parties say she was not shy about enforcing House floor rules.

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Title: Washington Today (7-28-23): Congress starts August recess with gov't funding bills up in the air
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmtrUkN9xTU


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